Dungeon Cleave Rules: At this time we want to allow players as much freedom as we can with these runs. We have outlined dungeon specific requirements that can be found below. The core rules right now are that teams must enter a fresh Heroic instance. They must pull and kill the first trash pack of the instance. Whoever is recording needs to display and start the in-game stopwatch when anyone from their party enters combat. After the first trash pack has died the teams must kill every boss in the instance with the exception of Yor (Mana Tombs) & Anzu (Sethekk). Timer stops when all bosses have been killed. There are no additional trash requirements. No restrictions on consumables or buffs.
Getting Started

Submit your run
How-To Record
Record the run, here’s a guide on setting up and recording using OBS. You can also stream the run and submit a link the highlight or the timestamp of the run.
Upload your video
Upload the run, here’s a guide on uploading videos to YouTube.